My daughter is going to be Cruella de Vil for Halloween this year. She found some cool shoes at Savers, one of my favorite local thrift stores. She is young, but loves to wear high heels, so this chunky heel is a bit easier to walk in for her. I refashioned these 30s style oxfords into the spectator shoes she has always wanted! So simple and easy, you just need hot glue, fabric, and trim. This is a fun way to add a pattern or color into your Halloween costume and even some bling, depending on the trim you choose. Cruella de Vil needs dalmatian print, right?
1. Position the edge of the fabric 1/4″ away from the opening of the shoe ( I knew I would be adding trim, so I needed just a bit of allowance), and then down to past the bottom of the shoe on the side. It’s fine to be too long on the side because will trim it later. Start on one side of the shoe with a bit of hot glue, then move across the toe of the shoe adding hot glue along the top edge, under the fabric to secure it, until you get to the other side of the shoe at the bottom edge. Cut around the bottom edge to trim away the excess fabric, being careful to leave some allowance. You can trim any additional extra away as you get ready to secure the bottom edge.
2. Unfortunately, I didn’t take pics for the next few steps. Sorry! After I cut away most of the excess fabric, I started on one side at the bottom edge of the shoe, going about 2″ towards the center with glue and pressing the fabric to set. I then glued down the other side, about 2″ towards the center, then I had about 1″ of fabric loose right in the front. I made 2 little fold-jiggy things like you do when working with rounded corners and glued them down. Hopefully you can see the tiny folds in the picture. There might be a better way to do it, but I don’t mind the folds, because once I get the glue gun hot, I just want to get the job done. Trim away any excess fabric around the bottom of the shoe and make sure everything is secure.
3. I then added narrow black sequin trim along the top edge of the fabric to finish off the raw edge and add a little bling. I believe in bling on costumes where ever possible. But you could also use any other trim that is narrow.
4. Here’s an under shot so you can see what it looks like from below. It doesn’t look perfect, but you won’t be able to see that edge once she is wearing the shoes, so I’m not worried.
5. Fini! That’s it! I have been putting this project off for a while thinking Halloween was still a ways away, but it is getting close, so I finally set aside the time to do it. This was a quick project that only took about 15 minutes with fabric, trim, and hot glue. I also refashioned a trick-or-treat bag for her Cruella costume, which I will blog about next.
For more ideas on how to make Halloween costumes by refashioning and to learn more about my process for designing award winning Halloween costumes, purchase my ebook from Amazon here. You don’t need to have a Kindle; simply download the Kindle App here to read my book on any device.

1 reply on “Refashioning Shoes Into Spectator Shoes”
[…] or elastic to add strap detail to shoes. Spectator shoes also started to become popular. Click here to link to my post on making spectator […]