Not only is this a great group costume, but isn’t this a great image? Just so stinkin’ cute. This is from my friend who made these costumes for her son and his cousins. These costumes are easy to make from black sweats. The hardest part may be waiting for the silver glitter glue to dry so that you can flip the sweats to decorate another area. I dare my three girls to pull this off when they are all teenagers. With a mustache, of course.
Three Amigos Costume Recipe
Black sweat bottoms
Black zip up hoodie, or crew neck sweatshirt
LOTS of silver glitter glue
White shirt
Red fabric for ties and cummerbund (find a knit or other fabric that won’t fray)
Cowboy-style boots
Black Sombreros
Silver sequins
Silver toys pistols and holsters, if desired
Walmart will have most of these supplies including the inexpensive black sweats, glitter glue, white shirt, (you might already have that in your closet) red fabric, and I even saw the perfect boots for this costume at Walmart last week. Find the sombreros at a party supply store or seasonal Halloween store. My friend found hers on a recent trip to California.
If you use a zip up hoodie, cut the hood off right around the neck seam. If you use a crew neck sweatshirt, cut it straight down the middle front. Trim off another inch from each side so that the white shirt and cummerbund will not get lost under the jacket.
Use glitter glue to decorate the jacket with designs like starbursts, triangles, squiggles, dots, zig zags, and loops. Get creative! If you are not confident in your freehand, use chalk to sketch it out. Once the glitter glue completely dries, if any chalk lines remain you can remove them with a damp cloth. Let each section dry completely before you move on to another area. Decorate the hat also. If you want to really bling it up, use silver sequin trim that comes by the yard on top of hot glue, craft glue, or the silver glitter glue. You can also use single silver sequins to accent the silver glitter glue designs.
Cut a strip of red fabric about 4″ wide for the necktie and 18″ long. Fold it over lengthwise so that it is only 2″ wide. Tie it in a square knot at the neck and trim to the proper length. For the cummerbund, cut a strip of fabric about 12″ wide and 30″ long, depending on the waist size. Fold this long strip over lengthwise also so that it is 6″ wide. Folding it over gives the tie and sash a little more heft and adds at least one finished edge. Tie the cummerbund in a square knot at the side of the waist. Adjust the width and length of the tie and sash as you like. If you don’t want any sash to hang down, cut off the tails and pin it together in the back with a safety pin, allowing for some overlap.
Add a white shirt, boots, and pistols–and even a mustache if you are up for it!
For more ideas on how to create a costume, click here to buy my Amazon ebook, “How to Design & Create a Halloween Costume”. Click here to download Amazon’s free app so that you can read it on nearly any device.