My friend at Archive Costumes of Orem, Utah posted this picture on their Facebook page of a white witch costume that is available for rental and I fell in love with it!
First, it’s a great photo in a beautiful local park.
Second, I love the hat. I am a sucker for hats. I haven’t made tons of original hats, but I love to refashion and embellish existing hats. The broom is pretty cool too.
Third, I love the idea of a witch dressed in white. It seems so updated. So fresh. So youthful and kind. Black is so normal. So predictable. Pink is too Glinda. White (it might be off white) is just right. Romantic even. White may be on my mind because everything I see on home interiors is going light and white! I’m lightening up the brown furniture in my house with coats of white Annie Sloan chalk paint (the miracle paint!) thanks to Pinterest.
Lastly, I love the originality of the idea. My friend said that they started with a period dress, took away the petticoat and bustle to give it a different feel and shape, then added the hat and broom. I see cute shoes peeking out too. I am inspired to take a second look at costume pieces to see what I can do to change the shape and then what I can ADD to emphasize the character I am creating.
If you are local, then this white witch costume is available for rental! If not, then this can inspire you to make your own version.
Keep in mind that the broom and hat are key to this costume! Without them, you would only be a pretty person in a pretty period dress. Two simple pieces change the entire look of this white witch costume. That is the genius here! They are 2 of the 5 main ingredients in creating a costume: accessories and props. My Amazon ebook, “How to Design and Create a Halloween Costume” goes into greater depth about the magic 5 ingredients for your costume. Buy it here in time for Halloween to get your creative juices flowing! No Kindle needed–down the Kindle app for desktops, tablets, and phones here.
Follow The Costume Resource on Facebook by clicking “LIKE” to keep up with many more lovely costume ideas including a series of witch costumes from Archive Costumes which she promises will be super fun!
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